
Atlantis Colour Range

Atlantis Colours Atlantis, Helio and Verdigris

Atlantis (AD)

We are truly humbled by the creation modelled on natures ravages to an ancient art form. Its importance in modern decor cannot be ignored and no space can truly be complete without it. Created as the ultimate expression of a textured finish, this everlasting recreation of the salvage from the lost city is a masterpiece not easily produced by other suppliers.
Each piece has a character of its own and unlink the soft terracotta base of other products, these artisans perfected the ancient art of earthenware clay fired to achieve frost resistance.
This unique finish is now earthenware making suitable for both hot and cold climates

Atlantis Helio (AH)

The latest twist in the Atlantis story suggests an aging on ancient timbers now rare or endangered like lignum vitae or ironwood. This introduction of colour is a useful decor tool

Atlantis Verdigris (AV)

With all the best attributes of Atlantis and a base tine hinting of underlaying metals and copper oxides this exciting extension to Atlantis offers a new and highly detailed alternative.

Atlantis Colour Samples

Helio and Verdigris are stocked in limited styles and numbers. Please contact us or check the online catalogue for more information.