Sheep Manure 30ltr 30ltr
Martins Magic Boost Sheep Manure is an all-purpose organic fertilizer suitable for fertilising trees, shrubs, lawns, vegetable, fruit and flower gardens. Martins Sheep Manure promotes vigorous and...
Mushroom Compost 30ltr 30ltr
Certified 100% organic. Ideal for improving soils for veggies, flowers, herbs, fruit & trees.
5 In 1 30L Searles 30ltr 30ltr
Organic goodness to grow the healthiest veggies, flowers, fruit and lawns.5IN1® Organic Fertiliser is a brilliant organic plant food containing Cow, Fowl and Sheep Manures, Mushroom Compost, Zeolite,...
Planting Compost 30ltr
Organic goodness to grow the healthiest veggies, flowers, fruit and lawns.Martins Planting Compost has been formulated from composted organic materials to create a general purpose soil improvement...
Native Planting Mix 30ltr
Martins Native Planting Mix is suitable for growing natives and low phosphorous tolerant plants.
It may be used in pots as a potting mix or in the ground as a planting mix.
Martins Native...
Organic Potting Mix 30ltr
Registered fully organic & natural potting mix for all pots & container planting.This premium blend of organic and natural ingredients is designed for sustainable and organic growing of...
Martins Mushroom Compost 30ltr
Martins Mushroom Compost is an organic by-product of the Australian mushroom growing industry. It’s the composted material remaining after the mushrooms have finished cropping, which is a perfect...
Camellia & Azalea Mix 30ltr
Ideal for all acid loving plants in gardens & pots. Feeds plants for up to 5 months.
Lawn Top Dressing 30ltr
Martins Lawn Top Dressing may be used for a seed bed, for a new lawn, repairing worn or damaged areas and to enhance and enrich existing lawns. Revitalises, feeds, develops and improves soil...