
Sudden Impact For Lawns + Popul8

From: $54.95
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Premium, organic based, granular lawn fertiliser specifically formulated for ALL lawn types and coated with Advanced Soil Biological – POPUL8!

Sudden Impact for Lawns is an organic based, chemically boosted fertiliser specifically developed for new and established lawns along with other non-flowering plants such as hedges, palms, ferns, conifers, leafy vegetables, and herbs.

Sudden Impact for Lawns is blended into granules and then coated with the Advanced Soil Biologicals in POPUL8 so it combines the ‘best of both worlds’. Its organic base provides a full range of nutrients in a slow-release form and the carefully selected water-soluble nutrients and individual living bacteria and fungi (microbes), have been added to maximise the performance of each application.

The balance of nutrients, with the very best of raw materials and microbes is the secret to the success of Sudden Impact for Lawns + POPUL8. The ratio of nitrogen and potassium is ideal for promoting growth, the levels of iron and magnesium have been boosted and the 240+ microbes in POPUL8 help with nutrient liberation, disease suppression and growth promotion.

All these elements work together to play a crucial role in the formation of chlorophyll, which is the substance that makes green plants green. The chlorophyll molecule has the unique capacity to convert the energy of the sun into chemical energy (through photosynthesis). Ultimately, all living things – plant and animal – derive their energy, and therefore life, from solar energy through photosynthesis.

- Pellet Form
- Organic Based
- Boosted fertiliser
- With added Popul8

Application Rates
Established lawns – Apply at 50gm per square metre and water in well. Apply every 6-8 weeks throughout spring, summer and autumn. Apply Neutrog Blade Runner or Seamungus in winter.

New lawns – Apply 100gm per square metre. If preparing soil prior to seeding or laying of new turf, apply Rapid Raiser or Seamungus.

Non-flowering plants – Apply 50gm per square metre and water in well. Apply every 6-8 weeks throughout spring, summer and autumn. Apply Neutrog Blade Runner or Seamungus in winter.

Handy Hint – A 1 litre container will hold approximately 750g of product and 1 cup will hold approximately 180g.


11.5 : 1 : 6 and has added magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum to the existing range of nutrients provided by its organic base