Stoprust Spore Spray 750ml RTU
Stoprust spore control spray is a safe to use trigger pack spray that kills plumeria rust spores and helps prevent the spread of rust spores and other fungal diseases to your other plumeria plants...

In Ground Worm Composter
A worm farm, also known as a vermicomposter, is a system that uses the power of earthworms to break down organic matter to produce nutrient-rich compost.Now you can easily integrate a worm farm into...

Systemic Bug Killer
Protects Azaleas, Roses and ornamental plants from some sucking insects such as Aphids.Insecticide is absorbed through the root system to protect the plant from insect attack and offers a massive 6...

$14.95 - $19.95
GroundBreaker is a liquid soil conditioner that changes heavy soils or high clay content soils into a more useable form. It is an ionic exchange resin that changes the minute electronic charges on...