Planting Compost 30ltr
Organic goodness to grow the healthiest veggies, flowers, fruit and lawns.Martins Planting Compost has been formulated from composted organic materials to create a general purpose soil improvement...
Organic Potting Mix 30ltr
Registered fully organic & natural potting mix for all pots & container planting.This premium blend of organic and natural ingredients is designed for sustainable and organic growing of...
Camellia & Azalea Mix 30ltr
Ideal for all acid loving plants in gardens & pots. Feeds plants for up to 5 months.
Platinum Potting Mix 30ltr
Searles Platinum Potting Mix® is the apex potting mixture which is professionally designed and formulated using only the highest grade selected ingredients and Searles advanced blending techniques...
Standard/Regular Potting Mix 30ltr
Martin Regular Potting Mix with the addition of coir has an improved water holding capacity greater than most regular grade potting mixes. This mix is a general purpose potting mix suitable for...
Premium Garden Soil Mix 30ltr
Martins Premium Garden Soil mix has been formulated from organic composted material to create a premium general purpose garden soil mix. This mix is suitable for new or existing vegetable and garden...
Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Mix 30ltr
Martins Tomato, Vegetable and Herb mix is specially formulated for growing all types of tomatoes, vegetables and herbs. It is a premium potting mix base with added manure, blood and bone and all...
Fruit, Citrus & Rose Mix 30ltr
A superior formula for growing brilliant roses, flowers & fruit trees in pots & gardens.Searles Fruit, Citrus & Rose mix is a low-density soil, containing high quality composted organic...
Vegepod Premium Soil Potting Mix 30ltr
Vegepod Premium Potting mix is designed specifically for Vegepods and raised garden beds, but is also a great mixture to use for your herbs and vegetables.Benifits:- Blended specifically for use with...