5 Reasons why Autumn is Planting Time
Why do I love gardening in Autumn?
Autumn is great for a number of reasons; number 1 It’s Planting Time! However, it is also time to renovate and rejuvenate your lawn, prune and fertilise your perennials to get one last flowering before winter, and prepare your veggie patch for a Winter crop.
Why is it planting time, I hear you ask? Surely, we do that in Spring? Well, in Autumn the air is cooler, but the soil is still warm from Summer, allowing for really good root growth, which enables your trees, shrubs and veggies good time to establish so that they can pop straight out of their Winter hibernation into Spring, pulling all the good nutrients out of the soil. The roots love the warmth of the soil, growing out into the nutritious soil, becoming strong and anchored into the ground. This is the start of a healthy and beautiful plant that is ready to bear the chilly Winter.
With the milder temperatures comes less stress on the plant and as for us humans, the cooler weather makes digging and mulching so much easier. Everyone knows the feeling of working in the heat of Summer, sweat dripping down your back while the stickiness of sunscreen leaves you desperate for a shower! In Autumn, this is much less of an issue for the gardener. If you’re starting to feel a bit cold, put some gloves on and do some gardening to keep you warm! It always works, and it’s fun too.
Most plants can take up moisture and nutrients much more readily in Autumn, while the weather is just right, than in the sweltering heat. While the weather is hot, plants fight for survival, closing their pores to conserve water. This is stressful for the plant. Planting while under stress, like on one of our 40° days, can lead to plant death (I know! Dramatic, right?) Waiting for cooler Autumn weather is healthier for the plant; it will stay hydrated and happy while it settles easily into its new home.
Some of your favourite veggies can actually taste better when grown in the cooler months. Since moisture in the soil won’t evaporate as quickly as when it’s warm, leafy greens have more time to draw it up and keep it, making for a crispier bite of salad. The same goes for root vegetables like carrots and beetroot. When it gets cold, these plants produce extra sugars to keep them warm and snug in the garden bed. This is great because those sugars create a lovely, sweet snack. If you plant in Autumn, they will establish before the cold hits, and once it does, you can make a warm and cosy meal with your freshly harvested veggies!
Autumn is the perfect time to fertilise your lawn. While the ground is still warm and the lawn is growing, it will take up any nutrients you give it and get ready for those colder winter conditions. Feeding it before winter will green it up and keep it strong and healthy, helping it survive throughout Winter. Having some nutrients stored will keep the lawn going until that warmer weather comes through in Spring, when your lawn will be ready to take up nutrients again.
Make the most of Autumn’s perfect gardening conditions with fresh plants, lush lawns, and a thriving veggie patch. Find everything you need at your local Four Seasons Nursery