Miss Muffet's Revenge 2ltr
Miss Muffet’s Revenge is a fast-acting exterior spider repellent that helps guard your home from creepy crawlies for up to 9 months. Spiders are good for the environment as they help control unwanted...
Wet & Forget Rapid Hose On 2ltr RTU
Rapid Application is the new and improved, ready-to-use, hose end version of the original Wet & Forget outdoor concentrate moss, mould, lichen and algae remover.
Window Witch Hose On 2ltr RTU
Window Witch is a ready-to-use exterior glass and window cleaner that uses a combination of smart surfactants to sheet water and product from the glass, eliminating the need for squeegeeing.
Scotts Lawn Builder With Wetting
Australia's most popular lawn fertiliser has anexcellent reputationwith home gardeners and professional turf managers alike. The 'set and forget' solution to having a great lawn all year round, this...
Wettasoil Professional Concentrate
Wettasoil Professional Concentrate is an easy to use soil wetter in an economical concentrated form. Concentrated wetting power improves re-wetting and water penetration therefore saving water, time...
Searles Wettable Sulphur 250g
Searles Wettable Sulphur - Professional Grade Fungicide/Miticide
Searles Wettable Sulphur is a well-established professional-grade fungicide/miticide, known for its cost-effectiveness in protecting...
Seasol Soil Wetter & Conditioner
$19.95 - $37.95
Seasol Super Soil Wetter & Conditioner - A wetting agent, soil conditioner, and plant health treatment all in one.
Features & Benefits: