Searles Liquid Potash
$9.95 - $19.95
Searles Liquid Potash Plus is a high analysis fertiliser for promoting bigger and better flowers, improving fruit size, fruit quality and quantity and improving vegetables. Searles Liquid Potash...

Sulphate Of Ammonia
$16.95 - $89.95
A rich nitrogen fertiliser which encourages and stimulates leaf growth in all plants, especially leaf crop vegetables and lawns. Effective on plants with yellow-leaf symptoms.

Searles Urea
Urea is a very soluble form of Nitrogen, which provides rapid and lush green growth.Nitrogen deficiency: can often be noticed in the older leaves (lower leaves on the plant). General symptoms...

Searles Conguard
$19.95 - $34.95
Conguard® gives 3-4 weeks residual (systemic) control of aphids, lace bug, mealybug, psyllids, hibiscus beetle, scales, and thrips. This highly effective product is great for use on shrubs, pot...

Searles Zeolite
The addition of zeolite into potting mixes regulates the uptake of nutrients by absorbing excess nutrient from growing mix and storing it within the structure of zeolite. When the particular...

Manutec Magnesium Sulphate
Magnesium is very essential for Photosynthesis and maintaining healthy, green plant growth. A lack of magnesium causes a general loss of green colour between the veins of leaves and becomes more...

Manutec Potassium Sulphate
Potassium is one of the major essential to all plants. It is required in larger amounts by vegetable crops, flower crops and crop bearing trees and crops. Potassium improves the colour and quality...

Manutec Iron Sulphate
Iron is an essential micro-element for plants to synthesise Chlorophyll and make use of nitrates. Iron deficiency is common in alkaline soils having higher pH values. In plants such as roses,...

Manutec Aluminium Sulphate
Aluminium Sulphate (ALUM) is used to acidify the soil under hydrangeas whose flowers must be blue. The blue colour is induced by aluminium compound and aluminium ion will be taken up by plants only...