
Peperomia Lemon Lime

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Peperomia Lemon Lime

  • SKU: STYLE-1229
  • Gift wrapping: Options available
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Botanical name – Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Lemon Lime’

Common name – Baby Rubber Plant

Description – This small indoor plant has thick glossy green and lime green leaves and is perfect for beginners. The peperomia family is a collectors’ delight with a huge range of coloured foliage varieties – start your collection today!

Flower Colour – White, small not showy flower on red stem

Flower Period – Spring to Autumn 

Location – Suitable for bright to medium indirect light indoors – no direct sun. Can grow outdoors on a patio in a warm spot in full shade however it must be in a well-draining soil.

Care – Water is held in its leaves and stems so make sure to allow the potting mix to dry out between watering. Limit watering in winter. Feed with a liquid fertiliser monthly during spring, summer and autumn. 

Mature height – .3m H x .3m W

Sizes/Plant height approximate (above pot);
100mm – 5-10 cm
140mm – 15 cm

**All plant stock and sizes are approximates and subject to grower availability as per the time of year**

Plant Key 
Some quick facts about this plant:

Position Indoors Great Indoors
Height Low Light Tolerant
Watering Low

Low Watering

Pot Plant Ideal for Pots 
Height Pet Friendly
Height Air Purifying
Width 30 cm Wide
Height 30 cm High