
Liquid Copper Fungicide 200ml

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Liquid Copper Fungicide 200ml

  • SKU: 112648
  • UPC: 9310428538513
  • Width: 10 (cm)
  • Height: 10 (cm)
  • Depth: 5 (cm)
  • Gift wrapping: Options available
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A broad-spectrum fungicide for control of a wide range of diseases on fruit, vegetables and ornamentals.


Easy to use
Can be used on fruit, vegetables and ornamentals
Makes up to 66L of spray
Controls leaf curl, leaf spots, blights, downy mildew and many more


93 g / L Copper (Cu) present as Copper Ammonium Complex

How to use
DO NOT mix with other insecticides, fungicides, oils or wetting agents.
DO NOT apply in slow drying conditions or if rain is likely before spray is dry.
DO NOT apply to wet plants.
DO NOT apply when temperatures are expected to be 35°C or higher.
DO NOT apply when frost is expected.
DO NOT apply when soil is dry and plants are suffering from moisture stress.

Roses & Ornamentals
Disease - Bacterial leaf spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease and repeat every 10-14 days as required. DO NOT use on copper-sensitive varieties. To test apply 2 sprays at 14 day intervals.

Roses & Ornamentals
Disease - Downy midlew
Rate (mL per L water) - 7.5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease and repeat every 10-14 days as required. DO NOT use on copper-sensitive varieties. To test apply 2 sprays at 14 day intervals.

Beans (including Broad Beans)
Disease - Common blight
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease or as a preventative spray. Repeat every 7-14 days as required.

Beans (including Broad Beans)
Disease - Bacterial brown spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray within 21 days of emergence and repeat every 10-14 days depending on disease presence.

Beans (including Broad Beans)
Disease - Chocolate spot, rust
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 10-14 days as required.

Beans (including Broad Beans)
Disease - Halo blight
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray every 10-14 days from when the plants are 15-30cm high, while conditions favour disease.

Disease - Downy mildew, rust
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray every 10-14 days from seedling stage until maturity as required.

Brassicas (incl. Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower)
Disease - Downy mildew, black rot, peppery leaf spot, ring spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Begin spraying from the seedling stage until maturity. Spray every 10-14 days depending on weather conditions and disease presence. DO NOT use on copper sensitive varities.

Disease - Bacterial spot, bacterial canker
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 7-14 days as required. This product will reduce the spread of bacterial canker but wil not control seed or soil borne infection.

Disease - Leaf spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 10-14 days as required.

Disease - Leaf spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray every 7-14 days.

Cucurbits (incl. Cucumbers, Melons, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Squash)
Disease - Downy mildew
Rate (mL per L water) - 4 mL
How to Apply - Spray when vines are developing or when disease is expected. Only use as a preventative spray. Product will not be effective once the disease is established.

Cucurbits (incl. Cucumbers, Melons, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Squash)
Disease - Angular leaf spot, bacterial leaf spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 7-10 days as required.

Disease - Downy mildew, bacterial leaf spot, anthracnose
Rate (mL per L water) - 3 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 7-10 days as required. This product predisposes lettuce to frost damage. Lettuce should not be treated with this product if frosts are likely. DO NOT use on copper sensitive varieties.

Disease - Downy mildew
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 10 days as required.

Disease - Leaf spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 10 days as required.

Disease - Ascophyta blight, bacterial blight
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease. Repeat every 10-14 days as required.

Disease - Early blight / target spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray from crop emergence to maturity every 7-10 days as required. Ensure that both upper and lower leaf surfaces are sprayed

Disease - Crown rot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Dip rhubarb crowns before planting.

Disease - Downy mildew
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray every 14 days from seedling stage until maturity as required.

Silver beet
Disease - Downy mildew
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray from seedling stage to maturity every 10-14 days as required. Do no use on copper sensitive varieties.

Disease - Downy mildew
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease and repeat every 10-14 days as required.

Disease - Bacterial spot, bacterial speck, bacterial canker
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Apply as a preventative spray every 7-10 days. Ensure thorough leaf coverage and that both upper and lower leaf surfaces are covered. This product will reduce the spread of bacterial canker but will not control seed or soil borne infection.

Disease - Early blight / target spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Begin spraying shortly after transplanting when plants are 15cm high and before symptoms appear. Apply every 7-10 days as required. Ensure that both upper and lower leaf surfaces are sprayed.

Disease - Late blight / Irish blight
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at first sign of disease and repeat every 10-14 days.

Disease - Black spot (scab)
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at green tip before tips are 1cm. Ascertain the tolerance of recently introduced varieties to copper sprays.

Disease - Shot hole, freckle
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at budswell prior to signs of leaf / bud movement. Also spray at least once after harvest.

Disease - Bacterial gummosis
Rate (mL per L water) - 6.25 mL
- 5 mL (NSW only)
How to Apply - Autumn: spray at 25-50% leaf fall and again at 90-100% leaf fall.
- Winter: spray in mid winter.
- Spring: spray at first sign of bud movement. Repeat application 7-10 days later.

Disease - Bacterial gummosis
Rate (mL per L water) - 3.25 mL (NSW, VIC, SA, WA only)
How to Apply - Spray 1 week after petal fall. Repeat 7-10 days later. These sprays control the high leaf population of bacteria in mid to late spring.

Disease - Anthracnose, cercospora spot, sooty blotch (QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, WA only)
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray every 4 weeks from the end of flowering to harvest. During extended wet weather spray every 14 days.

Disease - Shot hole
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray when buds are opening but before and within one week of bud opening.

Disease - Bacterial gummosis / canker
Rate (mL per L water) - 6.25 mL (VIC, TAS, SA, WA only)
- 5 mL (NSW only)
How to Apply - Autumn: spray at 25-50% leaf fall. Apply again at 90-100% leaf fall.
- Winter: spray in mid winter.
- Spring: spray at first sign of bud movement.

Disease - Bacterial gummosis / canker
Rate (mL per L water) - 3.25 mL (NSW, VIC, SA, WA only)
How to Apply - Spray 1 week after petal fall. Repeat application 7-10 days later. These sprays control the high leaf population of the bacteria in mid to late spring.

Grape Vines
Disease - Downy mildew, powdery mildew
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray when shoots are 10cm long and repeat at 10-14 day intervals or as necessary while weather conditions favour infection. Leaf damage may occur on copper sensitive varieties.

Disease - Lychee pepper spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray every 4 weeks from the end of flowering to harvest. During extended wet weather, spray every 14 days.

Disease - Husk spot (QLD, NSW, WA, NT only)
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Good spray penetration of foliage is essential. Apply from nut set ( late Sept) to Dec. Apply at least 3 sprays at 3-4 week intervals.

Disease - Anthracnose (QLD, NT, NSW only)
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Good coverage inside the tree is essential. Spray from early summer to May at monthly intervals.

Disease - Pink limb blight
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Good coverage of infected limbs from early summer to May at monthly intervals.

Disease - Anthracnose
Rate (mL per L water) - 7.5 mL (NSW, QLD, SA, WA, NT only)
How to Apply - Spray every 4 weeks from the end of flowering to harvest. During extended wet weather, spray every 14 days. Use in rotation with other fungicides.

Disease - Bacterial black spot
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at 2-4 week intervals from just after fruit set until harvest.

Nectarines, Peaches, Almonds
Disease - Shot hole
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray when buds are swelling but before and within one week of bud opening.

Nectarines, Peaches, Almonds
Disease - Leaf curl
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Correct timing is critical for effective control. Spray when buds are swelling but before and within one week of bud opening. Where leaf curl is likely to be a severe problem based on previous experience, spray first in autumn at leaf fall and then at the first sign of bud swell and repeat one week later.

Disease - Black spot (scab)
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray at green tip before tips are 1cm. Ascertain the tolerance of recently introduced varieties to copper sprays.

Disease - Shot hole
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray when buds are swelling but before and within one week of bud opening.

Disease - Leaf spot, grey mould
Rate (mL per L water) - 5 mL
How to Apply - Spray when plants are established and repeat every 7-10 days. Discontinue if reddening of leaf veins occurs or new growth is inhibited.

Avocadoes, Bananas (NSW, WA only), Citrus, Kiwi fruit, Lychees, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, Passion fruit, Tropical fruit, Macadamia (QLD, WA only), Pecans
Disease - Phytophthora stem canker
Rate (mL per L water) - 250 mL / L water or water based plant
How to Apply - Mix thoroughly. Apply only to stems of trees where cankers appear, after removing dead tissue. Repeat applications up to a maximum of 5 per season until natural healing has commenced. If applied mixed with a water-based paint, one or two treatments per season may be all that's required.

Witholding period
DO NOT pick grapes for 4 weeks after spraying.
DO NOT pick all other crops for 1 day after spraying.