
Ficus elastica Ruby

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Ficus elastica Ruby

  • SKU: STYLE-460
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Botanical name – Ficus elastica ‘Ruby’

Common name – Rubber Tree, Rubber Plant, Rubber Fig

Description – A hardy, large leaf tree with broad, glossy foliage ideal as an impact plant for indoors or protected outdoor space. The juvenile shoots are a deep ruby colour and as the plant matures will show tones of green, white, cream and pink. Ficus are known for their air purification properties.

Flower Colour – N/A

Flower Period – N/A

Fruiting – N/A

Location – Grows best in a premium potting mix. Place in a warm, bright area indoors or protected patio, will benefit from light morning sun. Avoid planting in the ground unless you have adequate space as it will form a canopy tree.

Care – Fertilise twice a year with an all-purpose slow release fertiliser. Pruning through spring will help your Ficus thicken as it matures. Allow soil to dry between watering as per the time of year.

Mature height – 3m H x 1m W

Sizes/Plant height approximate (above pot);
200mm – 30cm

250mm – 50cm
300mm – 80cm

**All plant stock and sizes are approximates and subject to grower availability as per the time of year**

Plant Key 
Some quick facts about this plant:

Position Part Shade Part Shade
Position Indoors Great Indoors
Watering Low

Low Watering

Pot Plant Ideal for Pots 
Width 1m Wide
Height 3m High