Tough Lawn Seed
A tough and hardy blend that is easy to establish, is hard-wearing and evergreen.
Benefits:- Hardwearing. Economical lawn seed blend. - Quick to establis

Kikuyu Lawn Seed 1kg
Perfect for over sowing or creating a new lawn. Perfect combination of fertiliser coated kikuyu and nursery cover which starts germinating in 7 to 10 days and protects the slower establishing kikuyu...

Shade Lawn Seed 800g
Ideal for full shade or partly shady spots in the lawn. Contains fine fescues which are the MOST shade tolerant lawns. 800g sows 40msq Contains Turbocoat & Turbostrike technology. Turbocote is a...

Quick Couch Lawn Seed 400g
Couch grass is an aggressive grower, particularly in the warmer months, which rapidly colonises bare ground to form a dense mat of fine pointed leaves. Couch grass is used for soil stabilisation and...