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  • SKU: STYLE-1560
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Botanical name – Cyclamen spp. 

Common name – Alpine Violet, Persian Violet and Sowbread

Description – This herbaceous perennial comes in an array of different flower colours. The flowers appear in Autumn and flush all the way into spring. The foliage on this plant is also quite a feature, being heart shaped and some varieties even have a silvery variegation. It is great for adding colour inside your home for winter or even in the garden! 

Flower Colour – An array, from white, pink and through to the purples 

Flower Period – Autumn to Spring 

Fruiting –  N/A 

Location – Inside in a well lit room. Outside in a shady part of the garden. 

Care – If you are growing your Cyclamen in a pot, water when the mix has almost dried out, or when you notice the leaves only just starting to wilt. Ideally, they liked to be watered from the bottom, by placing the pot in a bowl of water and allowing capillary action for the plant to take up the water. Liquid fertilise in the growing season with a high potassium fertiliser. In the garden plant you Cyclamen in a protected, shady area with well drained soil. Enrich the soil using compost or manure and add a soil release fertiliser when planting. Only water when plants are showing a sign of drying out as the corm may rot in the soil if too wet. Monitor for pests such as slugs, snails and caterpillars

Mature height – 15-30cm H x 15-30cm W

Sizes/Plant height approximate (above pot);
140mm – 15cm
200mm – 20cm

**All plant stock and sizes are approximates and subject to grower availability as per the time of year**

Plant Key 
Some quick facts about this plant:

Position Part Shade Part Shade
Position Indoors Great Indoors
Watering Moderate Moderate Watering
Pot Plant Ideal for Pots 
Flowering Flowering
Wild Life Attracting Wild Life Attracting
Frost Tolerant Frost Tolerant 
Height Air Purifying
Width 15-30 cm Wide
Height 15-30cm High