
Birds Nest Fern

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Birds Nest Fern

  • SKU: STYLE-375
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Botanical name – Asplenium australasicum

Common name – Birds Nest Fern

Description – An Australian native fern with large glossy green foliage that can spread to 2 metres wide when fully grown. The fronds shoot out from a central point, forming a large nest shape.

Flower Colour – N/A

Flower Period – N/A

Fruiting – N/A

Location – Grows best in fertile soil in full to part shaded areas of the garden. Can tolerate morning sun but avoid direct, late summer sun. Can also work indoors in areas of great natural or filtered light.

Care – Maintain regular watering while establishing and during the hotter months of the year. Never allow soil to dry out completely.

Mature height – 1m H x 2m W

Sizes/Plant height approximate (above pot);
140mm – 20cm
200mm – 40cm

300mm – 60cm

**All plant stock and sizes are approximates and subject to grower availability as per the time of year**

Plant Key 
Some quick facts about this plant:

Position Part Shade Part Shade
Position Indoors Great Indoors
Watering High High Watering
Pot Plant Ideal for Pots 
Width 2m Wide
Height 1m High