
Kangaroo Paw 'Bush Ballad' 140 mm

15 (cm)
30 (cm)
15 (cm)
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Botanical name – Anigozanthos hybrid 'Ramboball' Bush Ballad 

Common name – Kangaroo Paw Bush Ballad 

Description – 
Bush Ballad is one of the earliest of the Bush Gems varieties and has stood the test of time because of its very prolific non-stop flowering habit, vibrant red colour and its outstanding performance as a container plant in particular.
Bush Ballad is a compact, free branching variety that produces masses of small, bright red flowers throughout most of the year. Producing an abundance of flower stems, Bush Ballad puts on a breathtaking display when in full flower, that will attract nectar feeding birds such as honeyeaters and spinebills.
As a shorter variety of Kangaroo Paw with an upright habit, Bush Ballad is the perfect plant to grow in a container or pot in a sunny position on the patio.

Flower Colour – Bright Red

Flower Period – All year

Location – Full sun

Care – Plant in a full sun position that is free draining. Remove spent flower heads once they finish and avoid mulching up to the stem.

Mature height – 60cm H x 50cm W

Sizes/Plant height approximate (above pot);
140mm – 20cm

**All plant stock and sizes are approximates and subject to grower availability as per the time of year**

Download fact sheet here 

Plant Key 
Some quick facts about this plant:

Position Full Sun Full Sun
Watering Low

Low Watering

Pot Plant Ideal for Pots 
Flowering Flowering
Wild Life Attracting Wild Life Attracting
Frost Tolerant Light Frost Tolerant 
Width 50cm Wide
Height 60cm High